Enable SSO for Validate


Validate offers single sign-on via SAML integration with Practice Protect. This provides a seamless login experience to Validate using SP-initiated SAML only.

Validate is a cloud based app with no local desktop or mobile version.

Practice Protect will configure this on your behalf. Please send us an email at [email protected]


  • All Validate Users should have a matching Practice Protect account with the same username.
  • Admin Access to Practice Protect


  1. Login to your Practice Protect and switch to Admin portal
    (e.g. yourdomain.practiceprotect.app)
  2. On Core Services, select Roles then Add Roles. Create a role and set the name as Validate SSO Users. Then select Save.
  3. With the newly created role, click on Members then select  Add. Add each user that will have access to the app. Then Save.
  4. Under Apps & Widgets, select Web Apps then select Add Web Apps.
  5. Select Custom then next to SAML select Add
  6. Set the name as Validate SSO then select Save
  7. Scroll down and go to Advanced. Uncheck the box for Show in user app list. Then, select Save.
  8. Click on Trust > under Identity Provider Configuration select Metadata. Click on Copy URL. This is needed for a later step.
  9. Submit a ticket to Extractly AI support via [email protected] to request they complete steps required from their side. See sample email below:

    Hi Support,I am requesting for a SSO Integration with your app and Practice Protect for {firmname}. Here is the Metadata URL  {link the URL from Step 8} that you need to configure the SSO.  We do also need the following details from your side.
    – SP Entity URL
    – ACS/ Reply URL
    – Landing Page/ Login URLOnce provided, we will complete the setup and update you to enable SSO.

  10. Once Extractly AI has responded, return to Practice Protect and open the Validate app configuration page.
  11. Proceed to Trust > Service Provider Configuration > Choose Manual Configuration.
  12. Copy the SP Entity URL and ACS URL provided by Extractly AI and paste it on the relevant text fields.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Go to SAML Response. Paste the following script under the Custom Logic section.

    setAttribute(‘http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress’, LoginUser.Username);

  15. Hit Save.
  16. On Permissions section, click Add. Select the role created from Step 2 (e.g. Validate SSO Users)
  17. Return to the Web Apps section and select Add Web Apps. Under Custom, add a Bookmark.
  18. This will open up the Bookmark configuration page. Copy the Login URL provided by Extractly AI and paste it to the URL field.
  19. Under Description, set the app name as Validate and select Save.
  20. Add the role we created in an earlier step to the permissions page (e.g. Validate SSO Users) and click Save.
  21. Extractly AI support needs to enable the integration as the final step. You will need to contact their support team & advise you are ready for them to turn the integration on.
  22. Once the integration has been enabled, you can use the Validate tile on your Practice Protect User Portal to launch the web page & select the sign in button. This will then automatically sign you into the Validate application.
Updated on March 6, 2024
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