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How to delegate a Service Account to Office 365


Practice Protect requires a service account to be created in your Microsoft/Office 365 email system for smoother onboarding process. This allows the onboarding team to access and setup customized email redirection rule (mail transport) and email protection for the password reset process and email protection integration.  

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  • Administrator Access to your Office 365 Account (Needed to create Service Account – i.e., practiceprotect@mydomain.onmicrosoft.com) 
  • Office 365 Role to be assigned to the Service Account  
  • Global Administrator (For API Configuration, Mail Transport Rule, and Email Protection) or Exchange Administrator (If it is for Mail Transport Rule Only) 
  • Microsoft license is not required 

Instructions (create account) 

  1. Login to Office 365 portal using the Administrator Account. Enter the Username and Password then Click Sign in. 

2. Click the App Launcher and select Admin to go to the Admin Centre.

3. Click on Users > Active Users.

4. Click Add a user.

Create a user with the following details:

First name: Practice

Last Name: Protect

Username: practiceprotect

Domain: (make sure this is your onmicrosoft.com domain)

5. Tick Automatically create a password, Require the user to change their password when they first sign in and send the password in email upon completion. On the email field enter onboarding@practiceprotect.com. Then hit Next.

6. On Assign Product Licenses, select the desired location (depends on your country, for example, Australia). Then, select Create user without product license and hit Next.

7. In Roles, Choose Admin centre access and select Global Administrator. Skip the Profile Info part and click Next.  
If your onboarding is only for setting up mail redirection rules for app protection or password reset, select Exchange Admin instead.

8. Review the service account that you created. Upon confirming all that information is correct, click finish adding. 

9. The service account has been successfully created. The onboarding team should receive it and secure its access.

Instructions (remove account)

Do not remove this account if being used for Office 365 Federation with Practice Protect. 

  1. Login to O365 portal using the O365 Administrator Account. Enter the Username and Password then Click Sign in. 

2. Click the App launcher and select Admin to go to the Admin Centre.

3. Click on Users > Active Users.

4. Select the checkbox beside the Practice Protect service account. Then click Delete user. A new pop-up window on the right side will show up for confirmation.

5. Confirm the correct account and click Delete User.

6. The account has now been deleted.

Updated on June 15, 2022

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