Secured Items Overview Overview Secure Items allow users to securely store, access and share business-related Secured Items in the Practice Protect User Portal....
File Attachments for Secured Items Overview File Attachments for Secured Items allow users to store & access sensitive information while ensuring the data is encrypted...
Add Non-Web Password Purpose Secured Items (Password) lets user securely store non-web credentials such as local application, sql, server logins in a secure...
Add Secured Note Purpose Secured Items (Notes) lets users securely store non-password information such encryption keys, app licenses, and private or personal information...
Sharing Non-Web Passwords & Secure Notes Purpose Secured Items lets users share Non-Web Password and Notes in a secure fashion within your organizations tenant. Instructions Login...
Delegating Shared Credentials Permission Purpose Secured Items lets users share Non-Web and Notes in a secure fashion within your organizations tenant. Users require the...
Disable Secure Items Access Purpose Secured Items lets users share Non-Web and Notes in a secure fashion within your organizations tenant. This feature can...
Transfer Ownership of Shared Items Purpose When a user account is removed from Practice Protect, any items from Land & Catch or Secured Items that...
Folder Feature Purpose The Folders feature enables users to efficiently organize Applications and Secured Items. Users can also share folders that contain...
Enable Secured Items on CyberArk Mobile App Purpose Enable secured items on the CyberArk mobile app via admin, allowing users to access these items once the app...